Ornamental Bed Weed Control
Hand weeding and herbicides are used to combat those pesky, eyesore weeds that detract from the beauty of your ornamental beds.
Pre-Emergent and Post Weed Control
Weed seeds need to be controlled before they become a problem. We apply herbicides directly to your mulch and rock beds to eliminate weeds before they begin germinating in the early spring, or anytime it becomes necessary. Existing weeds are controlled with our post-emergent control. This service ranges from one application to several, depending upon your beds needs.

Insect & Disease Control
Insecticide is used to control grub, beetle, June bugs, etc., that cause damage to your yard, trees, and shrubbery. We closely monitor your lawn for any signs of infestation that may occur. Lawns that encounter any disease are treated as needed. We quickly bring any sign of these problems to your attention during our regular lawn care service.