ScenicView offers tree and shrub care as well as tree trimming and pruning. Preventative care is critical to maintain healthy trees and bushes. Deep root injections are utilized to ensure fertilizer reaches the root system. We suggest fertilizing trees and shrubs at least twice per growing season.
Infestations and diseases are professionally diagnosed and eradicated. Our program consists of minimal applications to eliminate these pests and illnesses providing control all season long.
ScenicView Tree and Shrub Services
- Trimming
- Corrective Pruning
- Natural and Shape Pruning
- Tree removal, including debris, chipping and stump grinding
- Disease and Pest Control including:
- Mosquito Control
- Crabapple Scab – a fungal disease that affects fruit, leaves & twigs
- Emerald Ash Borer- Boring insect affecting ash trees in the Mid-west U.S.
- Japanese Beetle – Leaf chewing insect found across the U.S.
- Gypsy Moth Control – Leaf Chewing Caterpillars
- Replacement of disease infested trees & shrubs